
IMPORTANT: Please read our Terms of Service below before booking an appointment through this facility. Our psychologists are available by appointment only Monday to Friday 7am to 9pm – weekends by special request only

Please be aware this online booking facility does not show ALL available appointments therefore please call our practice during business hours should you not be able to find a suitable appointment time on 07 5596 9090.

Our administration staff are available to accept telephone inquiries from 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday on 07 5596 9090. Alternatively you can email [email protected]

Your Commitment to Your Therapy
& Cancellation Policy

Alegna Solutions is a private practice therefore receives no government funding yet our fee for a standard psychological consultation is considerably less than that recommended by The Australian Psychological Society. To ensure that we can continue to provide this service to the community we require all patients to adhere to our Terms and Conditions of Service so our practice overheads can be met.

Summary of our Key Terms and Conditions 

  • Alegna Solutions will send a SMS reminder to your nominated mobile number 48 hours prior to each scheduled appointment you have with us. Patients are requested to confirm all scheduled appointments no later than 12 noon the business day prior.
  • Alegna Solutions is a cashless clinic and accepts payments by way of direct debit through the services of an independent billing company. We will require your bank account, Visa or MasterCard details to process payments.
  • Consultations are fully bulk billed for children under 18yrs, current pension, DVA or health care card holders only. Bulk billed patients will still be required to complete a direct debit authority with us for any fees that may apply not covered by Medicare. Typically bulk billed clients have zero out of pocket expenses however (for example) we may charge you a nonattendance fee if you do not show up for a scheduled appointment.
  • You can claim a Medicare rebate only if you have a current Mental Health Care Plan registered by us from your GP. You may also be able to claim these services from a Private Health Fund if you are a member with extras or full cover. You can choose to either claim using Medicare or your Private Health Fund, but not both. If a Mental Health Care Plan is not registered with us or has expired, you will be charged in full for your consultation.

Please arrive on time to your initial consultation so that we can finalise the intake process and any paperwork that needs to be completed.


Personal information regarding your treatment will remain confidential and secure, except where:

  1. It is subpoenaed by a court, or
  2. Failure to disclose information would place you or another person at serious & imminent risk; or
  3. Your prior approval has been obtained to:
    1. provide a written report to another professional or agency. e.g. a lawyer; or
    2. discuss the material with another person, e.g. parent or employer; or if disclosure is otherwise required or authorised by law.

Please note, if you are referred by a medical service (such as GP, Psychiatrist, or Pediatrician), your psychologist is required to provide this referrer information relevant to your treatment.