Release of Patient Information

Request For Release of Client Information/Records

Section 63 of the Health Services Act (1991) states that patient information may only be divulged to another health care provider if that person is directly involved in the care of the patient. Information provided in circumstances where the patient is unable to consent (for example in a case of an emergency or if the patient is unconscious) will be justified on the basis of implied consent or necessity. In non-emergency situations where a person is fully conscious and able to consent, release of patient information without signed patient consent may amount to a breach of confidentiality.

Alegna Solutions treats patient information and records with great security and confidentiality. Unless otherwise required by law, under no circumstance will patient records be divulged without written and signed consent from the patient. Please refer to our Terms of Service for further details of our confidentiality policy.

Making a request

All requests must be received in writing on letterhead with the patient’s consent attached.

For efficiency please do not post requests and instead

Please allow approximately 14 business days for your request to be processed.

Fees & Payment

Our fee for the preparation and release of client records is $185 + GST. Additional charges may apply if archive retrieval is required from our Records Management Provider – we will notify you of this first.

We will issue an invoice for the applicable charges using the details on your letterhead unless otherwise stipulated. Please ensure your ABN is provided to us. Our preferred payment method is direct deposit – our bank account details will be provided on your invoice.

Please be aware that for payments by cheque a payment processing fee of $25 applies. To avoid multiple invoices being issued please notify us upfront if you intend paying by cheque so this fee can be included in your initial invoice.


Upon receipt of your payment we will compress, encrypt and eMail you a soft copy of the record. Please nominate your preferred eMail address for delivery with your request.

To open/decrypt the file(s) will require a password which for security purposes will not be included in the same transmission as the files. When you are ready to open the files please call our practice who will verify your identity to provide the password verbally.