Life Coaching

Alegna Solutions can help you reach your personal and professional potential with success and small business coaching on the Gold Coast.

Life coaching is a personal growth and development process that involves one person being supported, guided, encouraged and motivated by a professional towards a personal or career goal; their own definition of personal success. It is similar to counselling, but differs in that clients are generally healthy individuals who are looking for extra guidance, new pathways and inspiration to help them reach their goals.

Success Coaching |  | Psychologists Gold Coast - Alegna Solutions Psychology

Success and small business coaching on the Gold Coast with Alegna’s professional psychologists may take a number of different forms, depending on the client’s circumstances and aspirations. We often see clients with goals including:

  • Career advancement
  • Dramatic career change
  • Further education
  • Starting a business
  • Small business success
  • Building a long-term relationship
  • Owning a home
  • Learning a critical life skill
  • Learning to genuinely love exercise and healthy eating
  • Becoming a well cultured, well-travelled and well-rounded individual

We are also able to assist clients who may not have concrete goals, but are suffering from feelings of having hit a plateau in their personal and professional growth. One of the most important processes we undertake with clients is identifying what exactly they want to achieve, and why they want to achieve it. From there, we can use lateral thinking and self-examination to explore exactly how to achieve it, step by step. Throughout the entire process, your coach/psychologist will be there to help keep you on track, focused and determined.

If you’re feeling dissatisfied with your level of success, then you may benefit from professional life and small business coaching on the Gold Coast with an Alegna psychologist. For more information or to book your initial appointment at our Gold Coast clinic, contact us today on 1300 304 385.

“The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.”