Christmas is an odd time of year. It can be a wonderful, festive and joyful time; when everyone is smiling and happy. Or, it can turn people into raging, stressful, irrational beings.
There is so much to do considering the happy, festive season don’t create itself. Usually, someone has spent hours trudging through packed shops, fighting over the last turkey, and undertake the task of cooking Christmas dinner. Also does anyone like sitting for hours on end writing Christmas cards to people you haven’t seen in 20 years? Well, let’s break with tradition this year, let’s look at 5 tips to combat stress levels over the holiday period.
- Get everyone involved – You are not the only one capable of doing Christmas tasks in the household, so start laying down the law and easing your work load. Bribe the kids to write out Christmas cards, with 20cents for every card they write neatly. Give family members food to bring on the day if you’re hosting Christmas. Delegate to those involved to make the process easier.
- Meditate- Slow down, relax, breathe deeply. Have a period each day when you sit in silence, with a few scented candles, and do some breathing exercises. By stopping the tension from over-flowing, you are preventing yourself from making those bad errors in judgement that so often occur with anger and high-stress levels. Don’t let the bad stuff get to you. So what if your neighbours crashed your Christmas and had too much to drink. We’ll be laughing about it this time next year.
- Manage Expectations – This means for you and others. Setting yourself up to create the perfect Christmas and it not quite going to plan, can be disheartening. Set yourself a reasonable level of expectation. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
- Setting a budget will help you with you keep track of your spending either on food or presents. Try and avoid last minute dashes to the shops with no list.. You can even order your food online to avoid the traffic jams and other irritating shoppers. You will be happier in the New Year, when you have less debt to pay off if you stick to a budget.
- Try to join in. Joining in the festivities, instead of being on the outside because you have to finish chores, will remind you what Christmas is about. Having fun and keeping your spirits up is probably the best thing you can do to ensure the ‘perfect’ Christmas.
Christmas is a very special time of year and wanting to make it special is understandable. However, having stress levels that are too high is not a great way to celebrate. Stop worrying about giving the ham its 8th coat of glazing. Don’t worry that your Christmas decorations don’t match your carpet. And don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t written your Next-Door neighbour’s dog a card. Try to remember what is was like to be a child at Christmas. It’s the time of year to celebrate and spend time with loved ones, so go ahead and enjoy.
Wishing you all a very Merry and stress-free Christmas!